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The first 256 Bytes of the C64 memory map (0-255 or $0000-$00FF) are called zeropage (Page 0). Besides faster fetching and storing from/to these addresses, the 65xx CPUs offer the indirect-indexed addressing mode which only work on zeropage addresses.

The two very first addresses in both zeropage (and the entire address space) of the C64, are "hardwired" in the CPU to internal registers for use with the 6510's on-chip port. Reading and writing to these registers does not affect the attached RAM chips, and there is no direct way to access addresses 0 and 1 in RAM rather than the internal port registers (but some cunning hardware trickery with the VIC-chip will allow you to do so). This leaves 254 "normal", usable zeropage addresses, and thus potentially 254/2=127 index registers for use with indirect-indexed addressing.

This is also part of the reason why there are so few internal registers in 65xx CPUs compared to other CPUs of the day (1970s design): Why waste precious space on the CPU chip itself, when external RAM (including the zeropage area) runs at the same speed as the CPU itself, and thus provides a whopping 127 16-bit index registers...!

Those zeropage addresses are useful and important in programming the C64 – so useful that the internal KERNAL and BASIC system ROMs make use of most of them, leaving only a handful that are completely "safe" for machine language programmers to use for their own purposes, without risking a system crash.

Addresses[edit | edit source]

Hex Address Dec Address Type Purpose
$0000 0 Register 6510 CPU's data direction I/O port register; 0 = input, 1 = output
Bit 0 - Direction of I/O on port at bit 0 of address $0001; default = 1
Bit 1 - Direction of I/O on port at bit 1 of address $0001; default = 1
Bit 2 - Direction of I/O on port at bit 2 of address $0001; default = 1
Bit 3 - Direction of I/O on port at bit 3 of address $0001; default = 1
Bit 4 - Direction of I/O on port at bit 4 of address $0001; default = 0
Bit 5 - Direction of I/O on port at bit 5 of address $0001; default = 1
Bit 6 - Direction of I/O on port at bit 6 of address $0001; unused, as bit 6 of address $0001 is undefined
Bit 7 - Direction of I/O on port at bit 7 of address $0001; unused, as bit 7 of address $0001 is undefined
$0001 1 Register 6510 CPU's on-chip port register
Bit 0 - LORAM: Configures RAM or ROM at $A000-$BFFF (see bankswitching)
Bit 1 - HIRAM: Configures RAM or ROM at $E000-$FFFF (see bankswitching)
Bit 2 - CHAREN: Configures I/O or ROM at $D000-$DFFF (see bankswitching)
Bit 3 - Cassette Data Output Line (Datasette)
Bit 4 - Cassette Switch Sense; 1 = Switch Closed
Bit 5 - Cassette Motor Control; 0 = On, 1 = Off
Bit 6 - Undefined
Bit 7 - Undefined
$0002 2 Unused
$0003 3 Pointer Low Byte pointing to address 45482/$B1AA; a ROM routine for converting floating point numbers to integers
$0004 4 Pointer High byte pointing to address 45482/$B1AA; a ROM routine for converting floating point numbers to integers
$0005 5 Pointer Low Byte pointing to 45969/$B391; a ROM routine for converting integer numbers to floating point format
$0006 6 Pointer High byte pointing to 45969/$B391; a ROM routine for converting integer numbers to floating point format
$0007 7 Flag Search character/temporary integer during INT, OR and AND
$0008 8 Flag Scan for quote character at end of string during tokenization of BASIC commands.
$0009 9 Value Cursor column position after last invocation of TAB or SPC
$000A 10 Flag Sets condition for BASIC Interpreter function; 0 = LOAD, 1 = VERIFY
$000B 11 Pointer Input buffer pointer/number of subscripts for DIM, line length for tokenization
$000C 12 Flag Default size of array for DIM
$000D 13 Flag Variable type; 0 = numeric, 255 = character string
$000E 14 Flag Numeric variable type flag; 0 = floating-point, 128 = integer
$000F 15 Flag For LIST, Garbage Collection or tokenization
$0010 16 Flag Distinguishes between user function call or array variable
$0011 17 Flag Designates data entry method; 0 = INPUT, 64 = GET or 152 = READ
$0012 18 Flag Tracks sign of trigonometric function calls (255 in quadrant 2/3 for SIN or TAN or quadrant 1/2 for COS, 0 otherwise), or tracks comparison operator (1 = >, 2 = equals, 4 = <, is bit-field combination)
$0013 19 Flag Current input filenumber: 0 = default input (Keyboard), > 0 other open file
$0014 20 Pointer Low Byte target line number for ON, GOTO, GOSUB and LIST, and address for PEEK, POKE and SYS
$0015 21 Pointer High byte target line number for ON, GOTO, GOSUB and LIST, and address for PEEK, POKE and SYS
$0016 22 Pointer Next available element on the temporary string descriptor stack in address range from 25 to 33 ($0019-$0021)
$0017 23 Pointer Low Byte of last used temporary string address or string stack pointer; value = 3 less than the value at address 22 ($0016)
$0018 24 Pointer High byte of last used temporary string address or string stack pointer; value = 0
$0019-$0021 25-33 Temporary string stack: holds 3 string descriptors each consisting of length and start address of string
$0022-$0025 34-37 Pointer Utility pointer area for the BASIC interpreter
$0026-$002A 38-42 Floating point result of multiplication or division
$002B 43 Pointer Low Byte TXTTAB, start of BASIC program text, default: 2049 / $0801
$002C 44 Pointer High byte TXTTAB, start of BASIC program text, default: 2049 / $0801
$002D 45 Pointer Low Byte VARTAB, end of BASIC program text+1 / start of numeric variables
$002E 46 Pointer High byte VARTAB, end of BASIC program text+1 / start of numeric variables
$002F 47 Pointer Low Byte ARYTAB, end of numeric Variables+1 / start of array variables
$0030 48 Pointer High byte ARYTAB, end of numeric Variables+1 / start of array variables
$0031 49 Pointer Low Byte STREND, end of array variables+1 / lowest address for string stack
$0032 50 Pointer High byte STREND, end of array variables+1 / lowest address for string stack
$0033 51 Pointer Low Byte FRETOP, top of string stack
$0034 52 Pointer High byte FRETOP, top of string stack
$0035 53 Pointer Low Byte FRESPC, utility pointer for strings
$0036 54 Pointer High byte FRESPC, utility pointer for strings
$0037 55 Pointer Low Byte MEMSIZ, highest BASIC RAM address / bottom of string stack
$0038 56 Pointer High byte MEMSIZ, highest BASIC RAM address / bottom of string stack
$0039 57 Pointer Low Byte current BASIC line number
$003A 58 Pointer High byte current BASIC line number
$003B 59 Pointer Low Byte previous BASIC line number for CONT after STOP
$003C 60 Pointer High byte previous BASIC line number for CONT after STOP
$003D 61 Pointer Low Byte next BASIC statement for CONT
$003E 62 High byte next BASIC statement for CONT
$003F 63 Low Byte current DATA line
$0040 64 High byte current DATA line
$0041-$0042 65-66 next DATA item for READ
$0043 67 temporary storage for INPUT
$0044 68 temporary storage for INPUT
$0045 69 Name of variable to look up in variable table (VARNAM).
$0046 70 Name of variable to look up in variable table (VARNAM).
$0047 71 VARNAM of current variable if integer; to descriptor if string
$0048 72 VARNAM of current variable if integer; to descriptor if string
$0049 73 Index variable of FOR ... NEXT loop
$004A 74 Index variable of FOR ... NEXT loop
$004B 75 Temporary storage for mathematical operations or TXTPTR during READ/GET/INPUT
$004C 76 Temporary storage for mathematical operations or TXTPTR during READ/GET/INPUT
$004D 77 Mask used during evaluation (FRMEVL) of <, >, =
$004E-$004F 78-79 Temporary storage for FN or floating point value during FLPT
$0050-$0052 80-82 Strings
$0053 83 Length of string variable during Garbage Collection
$0054 84 Constant Processor opcode "JMP absolute"; value = 76
$0055-$0056 85-86 Pointer during function evaluation
$0057-$005B 87-91 Register for TAN (floating point accumulator (FAC) #3)
$005C-$0060 92-96 Register for TAN (FAC #4)
$0061 97 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #1 exponent
$0062 98 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #1 mantissa
$0063 99 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #1 mantissa
$0064 100 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #1 mantissa
$0065 101 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #1 mantissa
$0066 102 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #1 sign
$0067 103 Number of terms in series evaluation
$0068 104 FAC #1: bit overflow area during normalization
$0069 105 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #2 exponent
$006A 106 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #2 mantissa
$006B 107 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #2 mantissa
$006C 108 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #2 mantissa
$006D 109 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #2 mantissa
$006E 110 Floating point accumulator (FAC) #2 sign
$006F 111 Flag Result of signed comparison between FAC #1 and FAC #2: 0 = equal signs, 255 = different signs
$0070 112 FAC #2: low byte of FAC #1 mantissa during rounding if mantissa bigger longer than four bytes
$0071-$0072 113-114 Pointer To temporary table during series evaluation
$0073-$008A 115-138 CHRGET routine: fetches next character of BASIC program text
$008B-$008F 139-143 Seed stored by last invocation of RND
$0090 144 KERNAL I/O STATUS indicates end of file if bit 6 is set
$0091 145 Flag 127 = stop , 223 = C= , 239 = SPACE , 251 = CTRL , 255 = no key pressed
$0092 146 Constant for timing of cassette reads
$0093 147 Flag KERNAL LOAD routine: 0 = LOAD, 1 = VERIFY
$0094 148 Flag Character waiting in serial bus output register
$0095 149 Serial bus output register
$0096 150 Cassette block synchronisation number
$0097 151 Temporary storage for X register
$0098 152 Number of open I/O file; pointer to top of file table (see addresses 601-631)
$0099 153 Current input device: defaults to 0 = keyboard
$009A 154 Current output device for CMD: defaults to 3 = screen
$009B 155 Cassette parity byte
$009C 156 Flag Tape byte received
$009D 157 Flag KERNAL message display control: bit 6 = error messages, bit 7 = control message
$009E 158 Cassette read pass 1 error log
$009F 159 Cassette read pass 2 error log
$00A0-$00A2 160-162 Software jiffy clock, updated by KERNAL IRQ every 1/60 second
$00A3-$00A4 163-164 Bit counter for serial bus / cassette I/O (EOI)
$00A5 165 Cassette synchronization byte counter
$00A6 166 Number of characters in cassette I/O buffer
$00A7 167 Temporary RS-232 / cassette read data register
$00A8 168 Counter RS-232 input bits received / flag: cassette read error
$00A9 169 Flag RS-232 start bit 0 = received, 144 = not received
$00AA 170 RS-232 input byte buffer / flag: cassette read character sync/data
$00AB 171 RS-232 input parity/cassette leader counter
$00AC 172 Pointer Starting address of a load / screen scrolling temporary storage
$00AD 173 Pointer Starting address of a load / screen scrolling temporary storage
$00AE 174 Pointer End address of LOAD/VERIFY/SAVE
$00AF 175 Pointer End address of LOAD/VERIFY/SAVE
$00B0 176 Pointer Constant for timing of cassette reads (default: 146)
$00B1 177 Pointer Constant for timing of cassette reads (default: 146)
$00B2 178 Pointer Low byte Start of cassette buffer
$00B3 179 Pointer High byte Start of cassette buffer
$00B4 180 RS-232 output bit counter / cassette ready to read next byte
$00B5 181 Next output bit / cassette read block byte counter
$00B6 182 Output buffer
$00B7 183 Length of current file name
$00B8 184 Current logical file number
$00B9 185 Current secondary address
$00BA 186 Current device number
$00BB 187 Pointer Current file name
$00BC 188 Pointer Current file name
$00BD 189 RS-232 output parity / temporary cassette read/write register
$00BE 190 cassette read/write duplicate block counter
$00BF 191 Cassette read byte register
$00C0 192 Flag Cassette motor 0 = off, 1 = on
$00C1 193 Start address for LOAD / SAVE
$00C2 194 Start address for LOAD / SAVE
$00C3 195 End address for LOAD / SAVE
$00C4 196 End address for LOAD / SAVE
$00C5 197 Matrix coordinate of last pressed key, 64 = none
$00C6 198 Number of characters in keyboard buffer
$00C7 199 Flag Print reverse characters, default 0 = normal
$00C8 200 Pointer Last column of current line during INPUT
$00C9 201 Pointer X coordinate of cursor during INPUT
$00CA 202 Y coordinate of cursor during INPUT
$00CB 203 Index to keyboard decoding table for currently pressed key, 64 = no key was depressed
$00CC 204 Flag Flash cursor 0 = yes, otherwise no
$00CD 205 Counter for cursor flashing, default 20, decreased every jiffy
$00CE 206 Character at cursor position
$00CF 207 Flag Cursor flash phase 0 = visible, >0 invisible
$00D0 208 Flag Input from 0 = keyboard or 3 = screen
$00D1 209 Pointer Low byte memory address of current screen line
$00D2 210 Pointer High byte memory address of current screen line
$00D3 211 Column of cursor in current logical line, used by SPC(
$00D4 212 Flag Quote mode, >0 = editor is in quote mode, i.e. control characters are printed as reverse graphic characters
$00D5 213 Maximum column index of logical screen line (39 or 79)
$00D6 214 Current physical line number of cursor
$00D7 215 ASCII value of last printed character
$00D8 216 Flag Insert mode, if > 0 puts editor in quote mode (see address 212 ($00D4))
$00D9-$00F2 217-242 Screen line link table / temporary storage for editor; 26 bytes, one byte for each screen line: bit 0…6 containing to the page based on the start of screen RAM page in $288/648; bit 7 reset indicates that the line together with the previous line forms a logical line longer than 40 characters.
$F2/242 is for a fictive overflow line while scrolling.
$00F3 243 Pointer Low byte first address in Color RAM of current screen line
$00F4 244 Pointer High byte first address in Color RAM of current screen line
$00F5 245 Pointer Low byte keyboard decoding table
$00F6 246 Pointer High byte keyboard decoding table
$00F7 247 Pointer Low byte RS-232 input buffer
$00F8 248 Pointer High byte RS-232 input buffer
$00F9 249 Pointer Low byte RS-232 output buffer
$00FA 250 Pointer High byte RS-232 output buffer
$00FB 251 Unused
$00FC 252 Unused
$00FD 253 Unused
$00FE 254 Unused
$00FF 255 Temporary register for BASIC floating point to ASCII conversion