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Category Datassette emulation hardware
Developer Kopsec
Year 2014
Availability €39 assembled / kit
C64 software Commodore BASIC
C64 interface Cassette Port
Remote software TAP, MP3 or PCM WAV player.
Remote interface 3.5mm audio jack
Remote platform MP3 player

The MP32C64 is a connection cartridge between a C64 or VIC-20 and another digital system such as an MP3 player or almost any smartphone with an audio interface. The connection cable is a 3.5 mm audio cable (jack male-male).

The following C64 images or files can be converted to MP3 files: PRG, P00, T64 and TAP to WAV format with WAV-PRG and AUDIOTAP programs.

It was developed by the Spanish C64 freak Kopsec.

The MP32C64 package contains the cartridge and a 3.5 mm audio cable. The manual and around 300 games are available from an Internet download link, or by paying a little more on a DVD.

The dedicated website for the device is no longer available, but they are still for sale (new) on eBay (see link below).

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