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The workbench of CBM-Command
Developer Payton Byrd, Greg King
Release 2010
Licence Freeware
Platform VIC-20, C64, C128, Plus/4, PET/CBM
Genre File Manager
Operation Keyboard
Media Diskette
Language(s) Language:english
Information Freeware, Dokumentation Vladimir Jankovic

Introduction[edit | edit source]

CBM-Command is an orthodox file manager similar to Norton Commander. It was written in April 2010 by Payton Byrd and Greg King with CC65. CBM-Command can perform the following operations:

  • Copy files individually or in batches
  • Delete files individually or in batches
  • Rename individual files
  • Create disk images (D64, D71, D81) from disks
  • Write disk images to disks.
  • View text files

Start[edit | edit source]

The orginal program is loaded with LOAD"LOADCBMCMD",8 and started with RUN. The CBM-Command starter detects the current computer system and loads the right main program.

Operations[edit | edit source]

Generally, with CBM-Command the keys CRSR ⇑ ⇓  are used for scrolling through the directory in the active window or to select a file.
The keys CRSR ⇔  to change the active window (left/right).
The key SPACE  is used to mark and select files. Selection will be used for batch operations as copying, renaming or deleting files.
The 8 important program commands can be seen in the last row of the screen.
In the first row of the screen shows the actual selected file with its filename and needed blocks.
In the last row of the window you see the actual drive number (left) and the free blocks of a directory (right).
You can use all keys for entering texts into an input window.
Security queries or starting operation(s) will be started with the key RETURN  or canceled with the keys RUN/STOP  or   (ESC ).
A selected file (PRG and SEQ ) can be opened with the key combination SHIFT +RETURN  in the built-in text viewer.

Shortcuts and hotkeys[edit | edit source]

Commands for changing the window:

D  - change drive at left window
E  - re-read drive at left window
SHIFT +D  change drive at right window
SHIFT +E  re-read drive at right window

In the last row of the screen, you see these commands permanently:

F1  / H  HLP - Help, open the program help in the text viewer
F2  / Q  QUIT - exit the CBM-Command after a security query
F3  / D  DRV - Drive change
F4  / R  REF - Refresh the actual disk drive or directory
F5  / C  CPY - Copy the selected or marked file(s)
F6  / N  REN - Rename the selected file
F7  / M  MDR - Make Dir, create a sub-directory (only useable at the right DOS-System / disk drives)
F8  / L  DEL - Delete the selected or marked file(s)

Other commands:

SPACE  - mark or unselect a file
A  - mark all files
S  - unselect all files
+  - next directory page
-  - last directory page
  - jump to the start of a directory (first file)
SHIFT +  - jump to the end of a directory (last file)
SHIFT ++  - open a sub-directory or disk image
SHIFT +-  - close a sub-directory or disk image
SHIFT -X  - write a disk image
X  - create a disk image
O  - copy a completet disk (it works only with real disk drives with 2 devices)
@  - input a DOS-command, for example N:TEST,99 for formatting a disk.
SHIFT +G  - Go to 64 (only on C128)
SHIFT +RETURN  - open a selected text file in the text viewer
RUN/STOP  /   / ESC  - Stop, cancel or change to the main program

Configuration and customizing[edit | edit source]

The CBM-Command Configuration Manager is loaded on a C64 with LOAD"CBMCMDCFG.C64",8. In the manager the user can change the colours (key 1  to 9  with a colour palette), the hotkeys and the standard disk drive (disk drive number; (key L  left drive R  right drive). The function keys cannot be modified !
The customize changes will be permanent after saving with the key F2  !

The screen of the CBM-Command Configuration Manager

In the row at the bottom you see the follow commands:

F2  QUIT - exit the CBM-Command Configuration Manager
F3  SAVE - costumize changes in the config file
F4  KEYS - change the hotkey commands

The hotkeys can be changed:

  1. Start the hotkey manager with F4 
  2. Select a command with the cursor keys and hit RETURN .
  3. A window appears and you see the current hotkey for this command in hexadecimal code and as sign.
  4. Press a new key or key combination (it will show under new) and hit the key RETURN .

Target Platforms[edit | edit source]

Start screen of CBM-Command
  1. Commodore 64 - standard version with 40-column display
  2. Commodore VIC-20 with 32K expansion - basic version with 22-column display and one window
  3. Commodore 128 - visually enhanced version with 80-column display and use the full clock frequency of 2 MHz for faster operations.
  4. Commodore Plus/4 - this version is nearly identical to the C64 version, but it uses the full 121-color palette of the Plus/4
  5. Commodore PET

Links[edit | edit source]